It is with regret that I must announce dropping Shards down to one strip a week for the foreseeable future. I have debated this much over the last four months and it boils down to an inability to keep up. I’ve tried to reach the same peak I had for two straight years with no delayed or cancelled strip posts but, in the end, it isn’t presently manageable. In order to enjoy time with my husband and two young children and still attempt to get a shred of time to wind down for myself, I have to make a cut somewhere. However much I wished I could get paid to better my skills in art and produce at least three strips a week, it was a dream I was fairly sure I could not accomplish at this point in my life. I don’t know whether the Shards readership simply isn’t big enough or my art skills cannot compare with others who have succeeded, or both…
I love Shards. I have always loved the concept, the characters, and what we have in store for you all. I am dropping to one strip a week with angst in my heart because I want to show you all so much of this fantastic story TB and I have devised, as well as the characters not yet revealed. It won’t go away.
I will continue to do the comic and to put out one strip a week but I wanted to ask which day you’d prefer to see this strip, and if you’d prefer the sketches I’ve been including prior or would you rather just have the full strip when it’s done? Please respond and thank you for your patience. I know it must be a bit frustrating to expect a strip and only get a sketch on the previously scheduled days.