Hi, all! Just an update to let you know that I am not off in the weeds. I am awaiting word whether or not 56SHARDS has won Chaosium’s BRP contest! Whether I win or not, the plan is still going into effect that it will be rewritten as a tabletop roleplaying game — its original incarnation before it was a webcomic — which will help push/promote the graphic novel version of 56SHARDS! The above is sample art from an artist I am looking into commissioning for a deck of 56 SHARDS card art.
Gotta delay the strip for now. Sorry, but enjoy this teaser!
The site still has a few weird bits but at least you can see all the comics! Yay! New archive look and more little changes happening soon. And a new strip coming!
Tried working with Dreamhost but it appears to be a WordPress/ComicPress issue so I am trying to work on things. At least people can still see my page. Ignore the displaced menu for now. I am working on things. Currently, I cannot get ANY comics to appear, however Guest Art, Bios, etc. are all fine. It is only NOT displaying any comics (and it reset my dang widgets that got destroyed when I tried to recover my site through Dreamhost…) Anyway. That’s where I am for now. Sorry, guys. Pardon the weird explosion and dust.
Sorry. No strip today. Life hacked my creativity.
We have to hold off for about a week for new strips due to family issues. Apologies. My brother-in-law’s health is failing and we need to go see him.