Name: BBW, aka the Big Bad Wolf

Age: ?

First Appearance: 07/09/2012, ch.3 pg.1

Goal: Gain shards, hunt, kill Red (or at least best her).


Shard/Location: Ace of Clubs / ?

Abilities: The BBW has an arsenal of tech and feral weaponry and at his disposal: missiles, rockets, claw, bite, blades, slash, kick, chest missiles, grenades, “alien” laser, semi-auto rifle, taser, stun canisters, rocket pack, whirling tail spin slash attack, club ball tail bash, laser eye… The list goes on. You may fight him two or three times and still not see all of his tricks.

Weakness(s): Scarecrow guessed correctly the one weakness of the BBW is to show him a possible future of no freedom, of being caged and leashed.