ch.3, pg.92: “Morning Wolf”
The dreaded BBW… Yep. That’s him alright.
The next few strips will be looking at the other characters a little bit and I am working on an anniversary pic for our 4th anniversary. Wow… 4 years of Shards? ReallY?? Yep! Also, the BBW full color design should be finished and up soon and will appear on his bio page. Yes, the heroes aren’t going home to HQ quite yet. This should be a neat battle coming up. I hope you like it!
If that’s the wolf will we be meeting the 3 little pigs too in the future ?
Sorry, I almost forgot we actually DID MEET THE 3 LITTLE PIGS, but in spirit form. Please ignore my previous comment.
YET NOW, I wonder how the shard changed the wolf, the pigs and Red and her grandma to what we saw in the chapter ?
How they were changed should be visible in how they differ from their original story form: Red has tech and she’s older, the wolf is more like a cybernetic werewolf, granny got liched, and the pigs were killed and made restless spirits. I’m pretty sure the BBW killed the pigs and granny. Gonna reveal more later on the nature of the undead problem around here ;)
Boy, the BBW’s informant isn’t doing a great job if he missed all the shards ON the “intruders”.
Actually, they are aware that the intruders have shards. They are primarily interested in granny’s shard. I should have made that more apparent that they knew already. They know, for example, Red has her own shard. Hers is pretty hard to get though. Granny’s… Well, obviously the BBW just plans on taking it from our heroes now that they’ve done the dirty work. And probably their shards, too, if it suits him.
Oh, I see the problem. The scout was supposed to say “No new shard.” as in singular. For some reason it is pluralized and it makes it look like he sucks at detecting shards LOL. Yes. I’ll fix that.
Okay. Fixed! Altered the dialogue slightly. I don’t usually like to do that but it looks like it was needed this time. Thanks, Deeboo!
Is BBW bipedal because of the cybernetics, or b y choice?
Still working on his back story;) Haven’t quite decided the beginning details yet.
Nice work on the strip. It looks great!