An Expected Arrival
Jade will update everyone more later today, but I thought everyone should know that Mama and baby are doing perfect. The Doctor said it was a perfect delivery.
Dovahkiin Tom Kellermeyer was born at 6:08pm on 11/11/11. He was 8 pounds 1/2 ounce and is 19 1/2 inches long. Our daughter Kyari is very excited to have a baby brother and won’t stop talking about how much he’s going to lover her “Powder Eater.” For those that don’t know a Powder Eater is a little puffball from a game called Culdcept Saga. Jade made it from scratch for Kyari’s birthday.
Normally I’m more eloquent than this, but right now I’m pretty drunk off emotion. It has been a month of extreme highs and extreme lows. We’re all looking forward to the calmness that comes with a newborn child…..heh.
Discussion (91) ¬
omg O_O i love you both for naming your daughter Kyari, Ive gone by “Kyarri” as a nickname for years.(i do know this news is about your son, i just didnt know ur daughters name till now XD)
I’m curious how you pronounce your version, since i made mine up at the time.
back on the topic at hand, grats to you both! you’re evil sick parents, but this is a good thing haha let us know what you win.
We prounounce Kyari Kee-Arrr-eee
ooo even same pronounciation, i always have trouble with ppl pronouncing it kai-yar-ay.
but yeah much grats ^_^
Yeah, ppl do that with her, too. But TB is also right:) It can be pronounced Kee-ya-ree without any raise of brows from me as well. Either is acceptable. Just the true pronounciation I use is Kya-ree.
The ACTUAL pronounciation is Kya-ree, two syllabels. I know because it’s a character in one of my stories;)
ha, i had stopped using mine when i named a character in my own story Kyarri ^_^ thought it best to finally separate the character from myself.
I understand why people are so upset about you guys naming your child Dovahkiin, but it is really stupid to be upset. People have named their children ‘more interesting’ names than this and they didn’t get anything for it. Google: dumb names parents give their children and you’ll find worse names. Personally, if my parents named me after an awesome video game character I would feel like a badass. Name your child John, give him a quarter, and tell him he was named after the master chief in the Halo series. I bet he would feel fucking awesome. (hopefully some people get the quarter reference.) Anyways, love the name and congrats.
Congrats to you both! :D I wonder if anyone else has a claim to the prize? Hell, I wonder if you’ve doomed your kid to a life of fighting evil warlocks and owlbears and things…
Haha, if that’s ALL he faces, I’ll be happy!
Llongyfarchiadau yn wir! May he grow into health and wisdom.
I shouldn’t worry about the fighting off of warlocks. Although if anyone offers half a talisman as a birthday gift, I’d decline politely if I were you!
Congratulations on the new baby boy! Yay for you both! :D Welcome to the world Dovahkiin!
ty, Dave!
If you subtract the weight of the baby from th height, you get 11 as well :D
Oh and congratulations on the baby and the free beth games for life.
Connor, that is as cool a find as the original Bethesda blog post stating a generic weight number of 8lbs for a supposed winner’s weight and our child did come in at 8lbs 1/2oz! Talk about meant to be/coincidence/aligning the stars! It all just fits so perfect. How could we NOT name him Dovahkiin!
Congratulations! I think that’s so cool, and whatever you end up calling him in the long run he has a wicked cool proper name. So fun!
We think it’s totally awesome, too:) Thanks for commenting!
Came here after i saw the news on The Escapist.
Congrats… may your kid be able to fend dragons and be victorious in this crazy sequence we call life ;D
Thanks, Atlas:)
OMG congratulations! I totally envy you guys I would totaly name my child with soo awsome name if I had the same opportunity. he’s totally gonna be a bethesda fanboy
Hahaha:) Maybe. If I’m lucky, he’ll like the outdoors like me AND games like his daddy; just like our 3 year old daughter:)
Mammoth from Skyrim says hi :)
Thanks, and hi back to the enraged mammoth. I see my husband getting attacked by them as I type LOL.
Ruin? Naw. Ridiculous? Heh. His name is awesome but thanks for the opinion:)
SERIOUSLY! You’d sell your childs name for free stuff?
Ha ha:) We didn’t sell his name. We gave him a great name based on a game character.
does he Shout loudly?
Oh yes. Although is baby dragon squeak has disappeared, he does holler a good version of the ingame “voice” ;)
Congratulations! Saw his pic and he is gorgeous! I just became and Uncle (again) myself! Cheers!
Thanks, and grats to you, too:) I think he’s beautiful, also. Let’s see if he changes hair colors like his sister did;) They were both born dark ones and she turned blonde as her daddy.
Congrats on the new addition to your family!
Congrats on your dragon slayer !
Congratz! And I’m us you meant, the calmness that comes with a dragonborn child ;) now wouldn’t it be surprising if his first words would be fus roh dah :P
Haha, yeah. Our daughter’s first words were nom-nom LOL!
Thanks so much for all the gratulations, guys:) It means a lot to hear from you all. Sure, this may seem like a flavor of the month, but seeing this kind of welcome to our son is very nice, indeed:)
Congrats on the newborn! Nice name (and name meaning) by the way.
Congradulations on your new arrival. :D
I hope that someday she will understand the work you have done to make fairy tales fun again for readers throughout the web. :)
Good luck and congrats.
This didn’t turn out as bad as I thought it would for the inevitable child that would be named Dovahkiin. “Dovahkiin Jones” sounds stupid. “Dovahkiin Johnson” sounds stupid.
“Dovahkiin Kellermeyer” sounds pretty badass.
Still, shame on you for this. Every time your child is made fun of for his name (and he WILL be), look back on this day and wonder if it was worth it.
Oh, and congrats on the baby. Here’s to hoping the name is as bad as it gets in his life.
People will make fun of anyone for any reason they can find. Plenty of people with “normal” names get plenty worse treatment just for whatever their name rhymes with. I’m sure Dovahkiin will be just fine. If he really does hate the title, he has the freedom to go by Tom and never tell anyone his first name.
Congrats! :D Even if I have no clue how to say that name or what it means. (in my head he’s Donovan because I can remember that, I stink) Hopefully I’ll get to meet him before it becomes a huge issue. :D *L*
Our son’s name is pronounced Doh-vah-keen:)
Hey i wanted to congratulate you.. thats a cool thing and an original name for the baby, iam from portugal and here we cant chose names like that for our kids.. so its always the same kind of names like, Jose, joao, miguel, antonio, francisco.. and so on… when i was a kid in school i also had a litle problem with my surname becouse its diferent.. but who cares, ppl are always afraid of whats diferent so good for you guys, good luck for you :)