“Three Heartstrings Of Gold” 10: David’s Journal, Pg. 3
David writes a lot of words but there’s still space for his cute sketch of Velvy trying to get around in the snow.
David writes a lot of words but there’s still space for his cute sketch of Velvy trying to get around in the snow.
Aschenputtel ? Does David mean Cinderella, or Condy for short ?
Poor David. He’s frustrated over his situation, but knows how valuable his teammates are.
Wonder why Hanstel doesn’t enjoy the snow ? I would have thought Gretel would have liked to play in it a little or at least enjoy the setting when they realize where they are.
Poor Velvy. At least David is willing to help him out in this situation, with a blanket from Hanstel, by carrying him when he can.
Yup. David calls Cindy “Aschenputtel”. It’s one of the original names of Cinderella. I haven’t asked him yet why he gives some characters different names. Maybe it is the oldest one he knows for Cinderella and calls her that out of respect…
Gretel is neither liking nor disliking the snow. I am sure once it clicks it is Christmastime, she’ll react:)
Yeah, Velvy needs a little assist there.