Hee hee! That’s right! That’s Sir Isaac Newton. Most people believe the apple hitting him on the head as he sat under the tree is kind of a myth based on the less-exciting but more logical notion that he saw an apple fall and deduced the whole theory of gravity from that. TB thought up merging the two together because of an apple I drew in the next strip to come.
One of the main concepts in Shards is that reality has an impact on story. That story of Sir Isaac Newton merging with “Alice In Wonderland” is one of the ways I’ll be doing that.
And, with that, welcome to the the first strip in the first chapter of the current story:)
I always wondered what made that apple fall…
Hee hee! That’s right! That’s Sir Isaac Newton. Most people believe the apple hitting him on the head as he sat under the tree is kind of a myth based on the less-exciting but more logical notion that he saw an apple fall and deduced the whole theory of gravity from that. TB thought up merging the two together because of an apple I drew in the next strip to come.
One of the main concepts in Shards is that reality has an impact on story. That story of Sir Isaac Newton merging with “Alice In Wonderland” is one of the ways I’ll be doing that.
And, with that, welcome to the the first strip in the first chapter of the current story:)
I loved that xD It made me laugh real hard hehehe