Having a different font for each character is good as long as all the fonts are readable. I like it when comics have a way of seeing who’s talking like that, eg Gunnerkrigg Court’s different coloured speech balloons for each character.
Also, I have an Oompa-Loompa song running through my head now… I hope you’re happy…
Thanks to Jeremy for today’s strip title:)
A few things about the strip:
1.) I use a font for every character. Is this confusing or cool?
2.) Hansel appears in every panel his sister is in for this strip but he’s so tiny he might be hard to pick out.
3.) Yes, Candy Man calls them Onka Wonkas;P
He might have to bar Hanzel from the factory.
Having a different font for each character is good as long as all the fonts are readable. I like it when comics have a way of seeing who’s talking like that, eg Gunnerkrigg Court’s different coloured speech balloons for each character.
Also, I have an Oompa-Loompa song running through my head now… I hope you’re happy…
Seros, I have the soundtrack on my laptop, and I do listen to it often. I have it playing right now in fact.
Ahh, the Candy Man! This is going to be fun! But what is he using to lure Hanstel? Is that like a licorice rope or something?
Chocolate Factory…Why do I get a bad feeling about this given Hansel and Gretel are in the group…