Marcus> Aaahhh. “Cupcake Savior” :) Scarecrow Dorothy, or Scare-D as Jack called him, can create illusions. Tin Dorothy swapped out for Scarecrow Dorothy so he could use the illusion instead of force to distract Hanstel from poor Humpty. Because, you see, Hansel has pretty strong telekinesis:)
Yipe… Scarecrow Dorothy better watch it around Jack!
…..Poor Jack….
I wonder what attracted Big Hanstel away from the group ?
Marcus> Aaahhh. “Cupcake Savior” :) Scarecrow Dorothy, or Scare-D as Jack called him, can create illusions. Tin Dorothy swapped out for Scarecrow Dorothy so he could use the illusion instead of force to distract Hanstel from poor Humpty. Because, you see, Hansel has pretty strong telekinesis:)