Ed Woods was a movie director, a REALLY bad movie director. His films fall into the so bad they are funny category. His best known movie is “Plan 9 From Outer Space.” It was Bella Lugosi’s last film and he died during filming to be replaced by someone who looked nothing like him.
Yup. Director Ed Wood. Johnny Depp actually played him in the film of the same name, “Ed Wood”. And, yes, “Plan 9” is a strange movie LOL. I do volunteer work for a local horror host (and I’m also the webmaster for him at http://zomboo.com) so I’ve become very familiar with a lot of old B-horror movies.
You know Zomboo? NEAT! I love the horror hosts! Crematia Mortom, Vampira, Dr. Madblood, Elvira, and Wichita’s The Host, etc.
Actually, calling it the Ed Woods would make it more like an over 40 comic. Unless you count the porn horror movies he did at the end. I loved the movie based on his life. Martin Landau did a wonderful job at doing Bella.
Now remember, when going into the woods, turn right at the Roddenberry bush. [ducks objects being thrown]
Hee hee :) And yes, I’m very familiar with Zomboo. You’ll find a picture of me (using my real name) if you bought the Zomboo scrapbook. Or if you watch the episodes, my sister and I are still in the credits I believe. Amantha and Megan Leslie.
I hear the Jaws theme music in my head now. XD
“Into the Woods” is my favorite play. And so appropriate to the comic :)
Wait wait wait–who’s the narrator??!! Someone has to warn the narrator!!
It could be worse, it could be, “Into the Ed Woods.”
Thank you, the one out there that knows what that reference means. 8^)
Ed Edd and eddy?
Ed Woods was a movie director, a REALLY bad movie director. His films fall into the so bad they are funny category. His best known movie is “Plan 9 From Outer Space.” It was Bella Lugosi’s last film and he died during filming to be replaced by someone who looked nothing like him.
Yup. Director Ed Wood. Johnny Depp actually played him in the film of the same name, “Ed Wood”. And, yes, “Plan 9” is a strange movie LOL. I do volunteer work for a local horror host (and I’m also the webmaster for him at http://zomboo.com) so I’ve become very familiar with a lot of old B-horror movies.
You know Zomboo? NEAT! I love the horror hosts! Crematia Mortom, Vampira, Dr. Madblood, Elvira, and Wichita’s The Host, etc.
Actually, calling it the Ed Woods would make it more like an over 40 comic. Unless you count the porn horror movies he did at the end. I loved the movie based on his life. Martin Landau did a wonderful job at doing Bella.
Now remember, when going into the woods, turn right at the Roddenberry bush. [ducks objects being thrown]
Hee hee :) And yes, I’m very familiar with Zomboo. You’ll find a picture of me (using my real name) if you bought the Zomboo scrapbook. Or if you watch the episodes, my sister and I are still in the credits I believe. Amantha and Megan Leslie.
He also still owes us pizza ;)!
Yes. I know who that is. No, thankfully, it is not him, heh. And calling it that would make us sound like an 18+ comic LOL!
oooo WOLF!! <3
Alice looks like she's about to kick some butt.
Are we meeting Either Goldilocks or Red Riding hood in this chapter or not ?
Goldilocks is on the cover, her drawn outline indicates that she’s using her invisibility power.
Red Riding Hood IS in future storylines, but her time in this forest is done :).
I just thought of something BBW… Could it be the Big Bad Wolf?
Looks like Alice is about to go on her first mission… and is going to meet someone in the competition in the process.