Lol, I did indeed miss it! I saw it was something but missed the mark entirely. I’m still waiting for people to see the full depth of the comic, all the little Easter Egg thingies I put in, and such, so I feel for ya:)
Tis all good. Gonna see you at SNAFUCon again this year? (might not be the right place to ask, but SNAFUCon just popped into my head a few minutes ago)
I and TB will definitely be there! We won free admission last year, and of course I can’t pass up the best Anime Con in Reno:) … er… and only one I am aware of *cough*
This kind of reminds me of the old saying “With friends like these, who needs enemies?”
You know, at least the characters here all seem to have a reason for being completely insane. They’ve held up rather well considering.
Also, whenever I see the shards embedded in a character I feel a little queasy… Possibly because it reminds me of embedded nails and glass in various parts of myself over the years.
Whats the matter Muffin? Does it make you nuts? Drives you bananas?
sad face. nobody got my “banana nut muffin” play on words ^-^
Lol, I did indeed miss it! I saw it was something but missed the mark entirely. I’m still waiting for people to see the full depth of the comic, all the little Easter Egg thingies I put in, and such, so I feel for ya:)
Tis all good. Gonna see you at SNAFUCon again this year? (might not be the right place to ask, but SNAFUCon just popped into my head a few minutes ago)
I and TB will definitely be there! We won free admission last year, and of course I can’t pass up the best Anime Con in Reno:) … er… and only one I am aware of *cough*
It’s terrifying!
This kind of reminds me of the old saying “With friends like these, who needs enemies?”
You know, at least the characters here all seem to have a reason for being completely insane. They’ve held up rather well considering.
Also, whenever I see the shards embedded in a character I feel a little queasy… Possibly because it reminds me of embedded nails and glass in various parts of myself over the years.
So she doesn’t like to be called Muffin, well there goes my nick name for her. :(
Little Miss Muffet has a little more personality than just being cutesy pootsy!
Oooh, Berserk Button. An “okay when my dad does it but only then” sort of thing?
Well daddies are different than everyone else right? My grandma used to call me poopsie poo….I think I would murder anyone else that did that.
I call your bluff poopsie poo!
my nickname was skeeter from muppet babbies haha
Poor Alice. Well, it’s not like she learned Muffet’s name, because she ended it in a scream in that one strip.
And “poopsie poo?” *snerk*
I know where you live!
You dunno where >I< live ^-^
I hope she never meets a certain grey cockeyed pony.
Not sure of the reference there.
But now I do get it:) Heh.
A trigger word for the young Spiderling girl…I see.