ch.2, pg.56: “There’s Science To Do, Part 1” by Jade Griffin on January 30, 2012 at 12:00 am Chapter: Chapter 2: Into The Woods
Ha ha:) Couldn’t resist the title:) Also, the extra content should be up later today, Monday. Enjoy!
*gasp* its like a whole new comic! wait… i see what you did there… XP
its interesting to see them side by side, oddly enouh i like both versions
LOL, Kotih. I actually changed three things:) And inked and shaded it of course.
and somehow remembered the room name on the sketch but not the finished one >.>
True that:) Also, Dr. Muffet should be getting increasingly icky… I’ll try and add those soon.
I think it’s funny how Dr. Muffet is actually SAYING Technobabble. And to be sure, it’s Technobabble worthy of Picard. XD
Yes :)
I guess that since nothing else seemed to have worked, getting the library to come up with something with some carefully chosen technobabble could work. After all, it seems to on Star Trek :P
Remember to always bounce your particle graviton beams off your main deflector dish.
We are smart…
Aye, that’s the way we do things, lad; we’re making shit up as we wish.
Poor little Velty, will he ever befriend anyone on the team ? :(