Gravatars first look at your email address, if there is an avatar associated with it then it uses that. You can set this for every site that uses Gravatar by going to their website and creating an account.
After that, here it chooses one from a list, probably based on either your name or IP address, and sends that to Gravatar as the default option.
The way ‘default’ avatars are chosen can differ from site to site.
Why do I get the feeling that Goldie did something foolish and wreck less that may cost the team their safety and this mission ? :(
Nonsense. Goldie would never do that…
How do you change your gravatar? I used to have Alice
How do you change your gravatar? I used to have Alice, trying something
Gravatars first look at your email address, if there is an avatar associated with it then it uses that. You can set this for every site that uses Gravatar by going to their website and creating an account.
After that, here it chooses one from a list, probably based on either your name or IP address, and sends that to Gravatar as the default option.
The way ‘default’ avatars are chosen can differ from site to site.
What Seros said;) I believe ours is IP based.
Oh, and no reason to test, just go back and look at your posts and they should all be the same. Success! Grats:) Yay!