Ch3, pg125 sketch
The stairs alone took 2 hours so… Not done yet:) Don’t worry. When it’s finished, you’ll see the Great and Egostistical Wizard himself!
[ hint: he’ll be in the bottom panel:) ]
This will be done as soon as I can finish it up but I still have the castle exterior to do and the normal inks, shading, dialogue. Tally-ho!
Ooooh, I like what I see so far of the Firey Wizard effect.
:) I am trying to finish it but my monitor keeps dying of all things! If I can’t see, I can’t post OR finish the strip! So, yeah, will likely have to pick one up which means this strip may be very late. We shall see…
Oooof that’s rough. :( I had to do the same thing once, dropped everything to run out and grab a new monitor when my old one fitzed out on an update night. >_<