Well I have to say that this is going to be interesting to see. I also wonder what do Alice and/or Miss Muffet see when the Blue Fairy is out or is it just those that are magically enhance like Cindy, Velvy, David and maybe Dorothy ?
-well, first, I will refer to the blue angel/blue fairy/blue fairy godmother as ‘She’, ‘Her’ to prevent the need for outrageously convoluted sentences.
-also, I will refer to Velvey as they/them since I don’t recall them being assigned a specific gender, and their clearly being a person, in spite of being a stuffed animal toy, I can’t see referring to them as ‘it’.
So, then, I think that for anyone who has (or had or will have) a direct relationship with Her they will see Her in the form She takes with them. Cindy will see her Fairy Godmother, Velvey their Blue Fairy, and David his Blue Angel, all at the same time. (And you thought it would be easy being a Fairy Godmother!)
Someone with an indirect relationship would see Her as their friend sees Her. Cindy’s friends would see the Blue Fairy Godmother; Velvey’s the Blue Fairy; and David’s the Blue Angel. Those with multiple connections, or none, would probably see some sort of ethereal, magical creature which they would be unable to describe afterwards.
All, of course, hypothesis, subject to correction or future change by The Goddess of Shards. (Known also as Jade Griffin.)
You’re very close, Stonefoot! The only differenc is in the perception of others. Whatever they initially see her as, that is how she appears to them. If Cindy introduces her to Alice as her Fairy Godmother, that is what she looks like to Alice. The reason the BFG (Blue Fairy Godmother) has her head in her hands and said “All three at once?” is because she is well aware of the connection she has to all three of THESE particular characters. She has no connection like this to the other heroes at the Library. As far as Mother Goose’s perception of the BFG, they see her as Cindy sees her because that is her basic form for the most part. In the grand scheme of things, because it might not be apparent, the BFG sort of works for Mother Goose. She sent the BFG/Blue Fairy out to fetch David. She would have been sent to get Velvy but he came to the Library on his own, following what he perceived to be the Blue Fairy from his story, which she in fact is.
And, as Cindy refers to Velvy as “he” and he doesn’t seem to mind, it’s okay to call him he. If you call him they, he will constantly be looking at his bubbles thinking you are talking to them:) Heh heh.
Well I have to say that this is going to be interesting to see. I also wonder what do Alice and/or Miss Muffet see when the Blue Fairy is out or is it just those that are magically enhance like Cindy, Velvy, David and maybe Dorothy ?
-well, first, I will refer to the blue angel/blue fairy/blue fairy godmother as ‘She’, ‘Her’ to prevent the need for outrageously convoluted sentences.
-also, I will refer to Velvey as they/them since I don’t recall them being assigned a specific gender, and their clearly being a person, in spite of being a stuffed animal toy, I can’t see referring to them as ‘it’.
So, then, I think that for anyone who has (or had or will have) a direct relationship with Her they will see Her in the form She takes with them. Cindy will see her Fairy Godmother, Velvey their Blue Fairy, and David his Blue Angel, all at the same time. (And you thought it would be easy being a Fairy Godmother!)
Someone with an indirect relationship would see Her as their friend sees Her. Cindy’s friends would see the Blue Fairy Godmother; Velvey’s the Blue Fairy; and David’s the Blue Angel. Those with multiple connections, or none, would probably see some sort of ethereal, magical creature which they would be unable to describe afterwards.
All, of course, hypothesis, subject to correction or future change by The Goddess of Shards. (Known also as Jade Griffin.)
You’re very close, Stonefoot! The only differenc is in the perception of others. Whatever they initially see her as, that is how she appears to them. If Cindy introduces her to Alice as her Fairy Godmother, that is what she looks like to Alice. The reason the BFG (Blue Fairy Godmother) has her head in her hands and said “All three at once?” is because she is well aware of the connection she has to all three of THESE particular characters. She has no connection like this to the other heroes at the Library. As far as Mother Goose’s perception of the BFG, they see her as Cindy sees her because that is her basic form for the most part. In the grand scheme of things, because it might not be apparent, the BFG sort of works for Mother Goose. She sent the BFG/Blue Fairy out to fetch David. She would have been sent to get Velvy but he came to the Library on his own, following what he perceived to be the Blue Fairy from his story, which she in fact is.
And, as Cindy refers to Velvy as “he” and he doesn’t seem to mind, it’s okay to call him he. If you call him they, he will constantly be looking at his bubbles thinking you are talking to them:) Heh heh.
Ha ha, man, dealing with multiple perceptions must be tricky.