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Merry Christmas Jade and Trevor!
Merry Xmas everybody!!!!! We want to snuggle with all our readers with a hot cup of cider and a warm fire.
That’s a really cute picture! I like how Muffet is all festive, with little ribbons on her spider legs. Poor Jack… At least you didn’t dress up Toto to look like a multi-headed reindeer. XD
Christmas is awesome.
TB means that in a platonic and get-us-some-more-fans-dangit! kinda way:)
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Merry Christmas Jade and Trevor!
Merry Xmas everybody!!!!! We want to snuggle with all our readers with a hot cup of cider and a warm fire.
That’s a really cute picture! I like how Muffet is all festive, with little ribbons on her spider legs. Poor Jack… At least you didn’t dress up Toto to look like a multi-headed reindeer. XD
Christmas is awesome.
TB means that in a platonic and get-us-some-more-fans-dangit! kinda way:)