In these early strips, you’ll see a lot of experimenting: shading, shapes of panels, font size and type, and even the coloring of the gutters like brown for Hanstel and red for Jack. The dialogue in this strip looks fine at 300 ppi (perfect printing size) but when I posted it on the site, I was disappointed in panels 2 and 5. It’s kinda fuzzy. Also in panel 4, Jack and the natives are sillouetted. Jack is easy to see but the natives are lost in their dust cloud and spears/torches:( Forgive me these trespasses for I shall improve!
Oh, and drawing all the mobs of natives was a big pain. I hope not to see that many of them again but I did have a little fun with some in the third panel ;P
In these early strips, you’ll see a lot of experimenting: shading, shapes of panels, font size and type, and even the coloring of the gutters like brown for Hanstel and red for Jack. The dialogue in this strip looks fine at 300 ppi (perfect printing size) but when I posted it on the site, I was disappointed in panels 2 and 5. It’s kinda fuzzy. Also in panel 4, Jack and the natives are sillouetted. Jack is easy to see but the natives are lost in their dust cloud and spears/torches:( Forgive me these trespasses for I shall improve!
Oh, and drawing all the mobs of natives was a big pain. I hope not to see that many of them again but I did have a little fun with some in the third panel ;P
Nice early strips!
Jumping a volcano? Thats what you get for making an ASH of yourself, Jack!
Ohhhh, Burrrrn