Kyari Guest Strip 1
Just so you can see we accept all submissions gratefully for guest strips, I have posted one my three-year-old decided to do because she sees Mama working on the comic so much. For your enjoyment: “Humpty’s Favorite Color”. Um… Heh. Humpty’s supposedly in there somewhere. If I squint a bit and cock my head, I can see him. He’s near the bottom.
Even though I am on vacation already, we are still accepting guest strip submissions! Have at it!
hahaha ,my window wasnt sized right so as i scrolled down the image my first thought was “wow… jade did NOT have a good day o.o”
your daughter draws better than i do x.x
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men…
Kyari is hilarious. I had a conversation once with her about acorns. She was shaking the acorn she found on her walk and heard it rattle and she asked me what was inside. I told her that was where fairies came from, inside acorns. At first she didn’t believe me but then it started to sound plausible.
Then I proceeded to pretend and pull an acorn from behind her ear which produced at least a half hour of giggles. And then when daddy came home with pizza she rushed up to him and told him acorns were living in her hair and that they had fairies inside of them. Daddy replies, “How long have you had acorns in your hair?” She thinks for about 2 seconds and says, “3 months”.
Probably my favorite Kyari moment so far.
i think i just found waldo o.o
Aww, like mother, like daughter, the drawing trait runs in the family. :D