After everything Miss Muffet has been throughout this adventure something tells me that Alice will make the ultimate sacrifice to protect her from further harm.
That sacrifice could also damage the mental and emotional problems that Miss Muffet has already.
This may not be an easy win for the team, but it does make me question: Would anyone besides Alice care if Miss Muffet gave herself up to Sieben ?
Dr. Muffet would not allow someone to take Muffin from him.
As for those in this group, Goldie may seem like a b*tch but she’s not sh*theal enough to abandon Miss Muffet for multiple reasons, one of which is the wrath of Dr. Muffet. On that same note, Hansel would not abandon her because he respects Dr. Muffet and therefore is a sort of silent guard of Miss Muffet, though he rarely shows it. Of them all, Cindy is the least likely to denounce a self-sacrifice and that’s kind of sad because she’s the empathetic one… but there it sits. She never has had the opportunity or ability to connect with Miss Muffet in the way she connected with Velvy to get over her revulsion to Miss Muffet’s mannerisms/necessities.
After everything Miss Muffet has been throughout this adventure something tells me that Alice will make the ultimate sacrifice to protect her from further harm.
That sacrifice could also damage the mental and emotional problems that Miss Muffet has already.
This may not be an easy win for the team, but it does make me question: Would anyone besides Alice care if Miss Muffet gave herself up to Sieben ?
Not at the beginning, maybe. Depending on what the dwarf does, though, they may decide they’d rather have the current Miss Muffet back.
Dr. Muffet would not allow someone to take Muffin from him.
As for those in this group, Goldie may seem like a b*tch but she’s not sh*theal enough to abandon Miss Muffet for multiple reasons, one of which is the wrath of Dr. Muffet. On that same note, Hansel would not abandon her because he respects Dr. Muffet and therefore is a sort of silent guard of Miss Muffet, though he rarely shows it. Of them all, Cindy is the least likely to denounce a self-sacrifice and that’s kind of sad because she’s the empathetic one… but there it sits. She never has had the opportunity or ability to connect with Miss Muffet in the way she connected with Velvy to get over her revulsion to Miss Muffet’s mannerisms/necessities.