“Mein Schnee” 45: Miss Muffet’s Journal, Pg.11
If you want to know why Miss Muffet does not mention Dr. Muffet or Velvy in her desire to be someone else, she really would not want to be as scary as a plague doctor (in her eyes anyway, as “Daddy” can be a little intimidating) or avoided like the plague.
You forgot to mention Humpty too in that gathering of team members.
Still I do wonder what will this challenge that Miss Muffet is facing will do to her in the long run ?
Could she leave the team in order to protect them from herself ?
Will anyone on the team accept Miss Muffet’s departure ?
Would anyone care if Miss Muffet isn’t on the team anymore ?
Just how does one defeat an Envy like this ?
It is a difficult thing to conquer in this case, true. And, yes, if Miss Muffet were to leave, there would be a hole to fill. Not only is she an asset that has appeared in 3 out of 4 of the journal tales so far, she is a prominent character and was voted favorite among the fans.
And, yes, she seems to have left out Humpty as well. I’m sure she’s just distraught and not thinking straight. Or perhaps as a kid she just knows she’d not be able to deal with being in constant pain like he is. Yeah. Probably that. He hides it well behind his smile but all the characters know about that aspect of his life.
Referencing this Shard Dust if anyone needed a refresher: https://56shards.com/2016/03/21/