First, I thought “that’s a clue!”, then I went back to May 3rd where Funf, explaining how he could transfer other people’s (and other creature’s) happiness to himself, says that everything is energy. Well, duh!, he won’t be harmed much by Alice’s electric shock, and can return the ‘favor’. So much for the wands being useful (probably), until she can get back and have Dr. Muffit fix them. This does not help. (major understatement)
I can think of one major desperation ploy that she could try if everything seems lost: She can manage for a little while without the EMDM. She could disconnect it and charge Funf directly. This would fail and she would be recaptured and reconnected quickly, but soon Funf would be getting Alice’s insanity instead of happiness from her. There’s a chance this would disable him long enough for Miss Muffit to free the others and reconnect Alice’s EMDM feed. A real long shot, but if it’s the only thing left….
First, I thought “that’s a clue!”, then I went back to May 3rd where Funf, explaining how he could transfer other people’s (and other creature’s) happiness to himself, says that everything is energy. Well, duh!, he won’t be harmed much by Alice’s electric shock, and can return the ‘favor’. So much for the wands being useful (probably), until she can get back and have Dr. Muffit fix them. This does not help. (major understatement)
I can think of one major desperation ploy that she could try if everything seems lost: She can manage for a little while without the EMDM. She could disconnect it and charge Funf directly. This would fail and she would be recaptured and reconnected quickly, but soon Funf would be getting Alice’s insanity instead of happiness from her. There’s a chance this would disable him long enough for Miss Muffit to free the others and reconnect Alice’s EMDM feed. A real long shot, but if it’s the only thing left….
Oh, there’s at least one other thing they haven’t tried yet. Hanstel will be up next to explain:)