Just got wind of this today. If you don’t know what it is, please check it out. I’m not actively political but when something threatens my right to have a website up at my own discretion and tries to make judgment calls for me? I’d like to take a stand please. Maybe I should send Velvy the legislature-er’s way?…
Seros Senric asked permission to use some Shards art for an unusual Christmas card and I apologized to him for having just recently realized it was NOT posted on the comic like it should have been. It was entirely my fault, but I blame my colicky infant. Aheh. Heh… Anyway, without further pause, here be the link — and get ready to play a dungeon crawl to win a view at the thing! Seros Senric’s Christmas Card Challenge. It really means a lot to us to have fans that’ll go and do something this cool. Thanks again, Seros, for including us in your fun holiday game:)
And the winner of the “name that character” contest is…. Kotih! The winning answer was “Sweeney Toddler”. See, we told you you’d giggle at the pun! NekoDanger was very close with the guess of Sweedy Todd.
The character of Sweeney Toddler is a combination of Baby New Year/Father Time (because Baby New Year becomes Father Time through the course of the year) and Sweeney Todd (the avenging story character who is older than Dorothy’s story). I won’t reveal too much but the character does not belong to any faction that we know of at this time. He is like the Candy Man. Every now and then a character is just out there for themselves and not trying for a greater good, or greater bad. That being said, Sweeney Toddler is not on the side of our heroes. The neat part is that, even with friends and fans knowing the identity of this opponent, our RP session still has tricks to keep you guessing along the play;) We look forward to showing the story to you, but there are a few others to get through first ;)
I’m leaving this pic up because I’ve had a bunch of good guesses but no winners yet. That and my health hasn’t been the best the last two days mashed with my child’s near endless crying despite what I try. So here’s your second chance to attain the prize of a commission of your choice! Just name the little guy in the pic above! His full title, if you please;) Good luck! And here’s to posting a finished strip on Thursday!
A new year… I’m starting things off early with this poster of an upcoming character. And I’m starting it off early with a contest. For all of you who have been checking in to see what I’ve been posting in this blog to keep you in the know as to the status of the web comic: whosoever can accurately name the above character shall be granted a commission of their choice. I hope this makes up for posting a poster instead of a strip for Thursday. Let the games, and the new year, begin! And may it be better than last year!