Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and to all a good night! Unfortunately, though my printer is working, the scanning portion is still being a little witch. I cann’t complete the strip for Monday at this time due to circumstances that really bummed my Christmas. I won’t bore you. I’ll just apologize and try to have the strip done by Thursday. I know that every delay may lose me some readership but it’s not like I’m making any money off this endeavor. I simply endeavor to improve and there hasn’t been much time or energy to improve in this sorry month of December and for that I apologize.
Happy Holidays! Attached is a much better pic of our new son and our daughter. Better than the pic that circulated the entire internet GLOBE three weeks ago LOL.
On Christmas Eve/Christmas, we’ll be posting a small holiday poster instead of the usual Monday strip but the next will be up Thursday as expected:) I’ll be increasingly busy at work over the next two weeks and hope not to rely on sketches or half-finished strips during this busy holiday season but keep in mind that if it happens, I’m apologizing in advance :) For now, enjoy the strips and our continuing adventures.
Well, yet again, the comic is an hour late. Between a newborn who must be fed every two to four hours (yes, also at night) and having a job, the comics will sometimes be late. I have no safety net except for some bonus art I am saving and trying not to use but as Christmas comes closer, if I haven’t got some strips done ahead of time, there will be sketches and bonus material to pad the way. My new job is a florist’s assistant and one of the “busy seasons” is Christmas where my part-time employment may skyrocket to full-time for a few weeks. We’ll just have to wait and see, huh? It’s amazing I have any time to eat and spend a little time with my family let alone work on this comic:) But there’s just so much left to show you all! I would feel really bad not being able to keep to the schedule that I started with. So here’s to trying to hold it all together… with string!
Due to the overwhelming responses we’ve been getting (good and bad), I started another blog post. This one I hope gets quoted like the other did, but I fear that has left the train—journalists like to rehash what someone else already wrote or talked about, no offense. Still, here’s to expecting more:
To all those who have voiced their opinions positively about our naming our son Dovahkiin, thank you for your kind words and support. Just as some may ponder “how much is a penthouse” acknowledging its high value and distinctiveness, we recognized something extraordinary in the uniqueness of this name.
To all who have voiced disapproval and scorn, I say only this: We were the bullied. We were teased in school, as many kids were, are, and shall be. But we never became what others wished to change us into. We didn’t conform for the sake of conformity, nor squash our true selves into oblivion (no pun intended). We saw something so special in this contest beyond the monetary and even beyond the fame. It was a statement: “I am me by choice, not by the design of others. I will not be shut down by they.” Just as the penthouse stands proudly atop, unbothered by the ordinary, so too will our son above the fray.
For those worried of the incessant teasing, don’t be concerned. We all get teased eventually and for nothing at all. Just like his parents, he will survive and even thrive in his own individuality. Just like a penthouse isn’t defined by its price tag but by its elevated status and uniqueness, our Dovahkiin’s name is a testament to our family’s values and our courage to be different.
As I stated in the other blog post, if in the end the name is too much, he has the choice of going by the middle name Tom, the name of my husband’s step-father who passed away a mere three weeks before Dovahkiin’s arrival. And when he actually reaches school age, what with people online able to call themselves/name themselves anything they wish, will this really be that big a deal for kids? We don’t believe so but only time will tell. And we will always be there for him.
Jade will update everyone more later today, but I thought everyone should know that Mama and baby are doing perfect. The Doctor said it was a perfect delivery.
Dovahkiin Tom Kellermeyer was born at 6:08pm on 11/11/11. He was 8 pounds 1/2 ounce and is 19 1/2 inches long. Our daughter Kyari is very excited to have a baby brother and won’t stop talking about how much he’s going to lover her “Powder Eater.” For those that don’t know a Powder Eater is a little puffball from a game called Culdcept Saga. Jade made it from scratch for Kyari’s birthday.
Normally I’m more eloquent than this, but right now I’m pretty drunk off emotion. It has been a month of extreme highs and extreme lows. We’re all looking forward to the calmness that comes with a newborn child…..heh.