2012 Mother’s Day – Mothers.Are.Magic
Mothers ARE magic! And, boy, did I find out the hard way that drawing ponies on my wacom is much harder than free hand! Anyway, my daughter has been watching MLP: FiM, so that is partly what inspired the holiday post. That, and MLP: FiM has been popular since last year as far as garnering a lot of renewed interest. I will still be working longer hours this coming week for the aftermath of Mother’s Day but, never fear, a strip shall appear this Thursday to continue with our story. In the meantime, enjoy the intermission piece:)
As a fellow fan of MLP:FIM, Alias Brony, I thank you for this piece of art. :D
As a fellow fan of MLP:FIM, I thank you for this piece of art. :D
Aaaaaaw, sweet pic. ^_^
Just so you know, TB fixed my scanner for Mother’s Day so I can finally finish working on the four Shards MLP’s that I have had since October on the backburner! Yay!!
They look better than this poster. I think my brush is just too big for this poster… But I liked it enough to post anyway. Thanks!
I applaud the sentiment, but I feel that I must point out that the MLP logo that you used is for Gen 3 and 3.5. The MLP:FiM logo (Gen 4) is: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/e5/My_Little_Pony_Friendship_is_Magic_logo.svg/240px-My_Little_Pony_Friendship_is_Magic_logo.svg.png
Very true:) However, I didn’t have time to hunt the net seeking a font even halfway close to those so I went with the more basic Gen 3 and 3.5 logo. That, and I found that one as an easily transferrable png instead of the more common gifs and jpgs. Thanks for noticing! I am actually a long-time MLP fan, but my fandom has been segregated to G1 adn G2. I do not like the G3’s. As for FiM? Well, since my daughter started watching it, and the big craze seems a big money-maker, how can I not like the newest generation and most successful comeback of any 80’s cartoon icon yet to hit? ;)
I’m familiar with the Gen 1-3 shows mainly through the advertising. I really only like and watch the Gen 4 show. Lauren Faust hit it out of the ball park with MLP:FiM. Brony Forever!
Brohoofs to my fellow Bronies/pegasisters here. ;)