Wow, that’s sort of… cold of the Doctor. Poke it, prod it, stuff it in a box, subject it to force fields and rays. After all the science is done, stop calling it an “it”.
now now, be honest, if that doll you mailed started talking, ud either freak out like it was possessed or try to see how it works, much sooner than u start chatting with it XP, at least i know i would haha
Wow, that’s sort of… cold of the Doctor. Poke it, prod it, stuff it in a box, subject it to force fields and rays. After all the science is done, stop calling it an “it”.
now now, be honest, if that doll you mailed started talking, ud either freak out like it was possessed or try to see how it works, much sooner than u start chatting with it XP, at least i know i would haha
Also, best of luck at work! Retail rushes suuuuuuck. :D
i work grocery retail, so we just finished our busy season…. just in time to get annual inventory dumped on us when they pushed it up 3 months
fun times in retail x.x, good luck jade
yay sketches! these amuse me so!
plus if this becomes a running theme i can coin the 56 scribbles nickna—*runs from jade*
life endangering jokes aside, i really do find the sketches entertaining , thanks for always being there for us whenever you can guys ^_^