Sadly, no, not at this time:) And as for rabbits being social, I have known many and most are always scared out of their own poop LOL but some are friendly enough.
We had a rabbit for a time who lived in a hutch in the kitchen, and I think the poor thing must have lived her whole life in terror, because we also had a terrier/spaniel and a chihuahua/poodle that loved to bark their heads off. Poor bunny probably thought she was under constant predator alert.
My GF owned a rabbit that lived some fifteen years. It was the terror of the house to its dying day- the cat wouldn’t go near it and the dog (a scotty) treated it with more respect than the vacuum cleaner. I recall it glowering at me from behind wire mesh that looked inadequate to hold it. It was named “Bonnet” but I always refered to it as “The General”.
Yep, that rabbit was as sociable as the Minotaur.
But wild rabbits are very social, they suffer from being apart from others.
Rabbits and I don’t get along, unless they’re the chocolate kind. My best friend growing up had some, and every time I handled one, I’d end up with foot-long screatches down my arms…
Yes there is a warren, no there won’t be a warren when Velvie joins it. Jade will draw this in graphic detail. Must be 18+….no wait….21+ to view since you’ll need to drown your sorrows in alcohol after its posted.
I understood you, Don:) Well, there is for sure no one like Velvy. His circumstances are unique, to say the least. And even he might clear some of the denizens from Mordor, ha ha!
Velvy being Velvy. :D
At least Jack is trying to make conversation with Velvy… and that’s good enough for me. :D
Rabbits are such sociable creatures.
Isn’t there somewhere a warren of entropic rabbits Velvy can call home?
Sadly, no, not at this time:) And as for rabbits being social, I have known many and most are always scared out of their own poop LOL but some are friendly enough.
We had a rabbit for a time who lived in a hutch in the kitchen, and I think the poor thing must have lived her whole life in terror, because we also had a terrier/spaniel and a chihuahua/poodle that loved to bark their heads off. Poor bunny probably thought she was under constant predator alert.
My GF owned a rabbit that lived some fifteen years. It was the terror of the house to its dying day- the cat wouldn’t go near it and the dog (a scotty) treated it with more respect than the vacuum cleaner. I recall it glowering at me from behind wire mesh that looked inadequate to hold it. It was named “Bonnet” but I always refered to it as “The General”.
Yep, that rabbit was as sociable as the Minotaur.
But wild rabbits are very social, they suffer from being apart from others.
Where’d you get him, Efrafa?
Rabbits and I don’t get along, unless they’re the chocolate kind. My best friend growing up had some, and every time I handled one, I’d end up with foot-long screatches down my arms…
I salute a fellow Watership Down fan!
My sister in law raises rabbits and all I can think is, I’m glad Velvy is smarter than Betsy’s bunnies.
Yes there is a warren, no there won’t be a warren when Velvie joins it. Jade will draw this in graphic detail. Must be 18+….no wait….21+ to view since you’ll need to drown your sorrows in alcohol after its posted.
No, I meant a warren of rabbits just like Velvy…
…it would have to be in Mordor, wouldn’t it?
I understood you, Don:) Well, there is for sure no one like Velvy. His circumstances are unique, to say the least. And even he might clear some of the denizens from Mordor, ha ha!
Velvy seems to be the forgive-and-forget type. Lucky for Jack. :D