Hey, look! Dialogue! :P And, yes, this prologue is inked in brown. It’s the color associated with Hanstel. All of the main characters have a color associated with them. You can find each one under their character page.
On a side note, when first drawing these preliminary strips for Shards, I decided that Gretel would rip completely out of her clothes. Yes, that meant a strip rendered in the nude. TB and I decided that our comic would probably do better with a PG or less rating so I added clothing to both Hansel and Gretel before publishing this strip.
Hey, look! Dialogue! :P And, yes, this prologue is inked in brown. It’s the color associated with Hanstel. All of the main characters have a color associated with them. You can find each one under their character page.
On a side note, when first drawing these preliminary strips for Shards, I decided that Gretel would rip completely out of her clothes. Yes, that meant a strip rendered in the nude. TB and I decided that our comic would probably do better with a PG or less rating so I added clothing to both Hansel and Gretel before publishing this strip.
No fat comments please. You’ll hurt her feelings.
HULK SMASH!!!!! Great so far