“Mein Schnee” 119: Cinderella’s Journal, Pg.22
Aw, it was a good idea, Cindy. Just not strong enough to stop Alice. So the question is… Is there anything strong enough to stop Alice?
Aw, it was a good idea, Cindy. Just not strong enough to stop Alice. So the question is… Is there anything strong enough to stop Alice?
Hansel has to be the next Journal entry in this fight which means we finally get to see how Hansel and Gretel deals with this. Once again of all the times for them to be separated.
As for Cindy’s journal entry it was interesting to see her take on Alice and her new transformation. Had it not been for Goldie’s presence in the fight I don’t know how Cinderella would have helped if she was frozen with fear ?
Think you’ve sorted out my pattern? :D
Really reaching for this one, but ‘Alice’ is an anagram of ‘Lacie’, and the three sisters who lived at the bottom of the treacle well were Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie. Those are ‘coded’ variations on ‘L. C. (Lorina Charlotte)’, ‘Alice’, and ‘Matilda (Edith)’: The three (real life) Liddell sisters (on the boat ride when the original ‘Alice in Wonderland’ was told) of whom L. C. was the oldest, so she might have a shot at controlling her younger sister Alice. (According to Wikipedia there were 7 more assorted brothers and sisters in the family.)
To what are you implying? ;)
An impossible solution, I think. If there is an Elsie in the Shards world, and she just happened to show up (for no explicable reason), she just might be able to help. But the only one here who would even know about her is Alice, so… yeah, not gonna happen. :/