Pg3 shard8spades concept
First, it’s my birthday:) I am not taking a break but gearing up for the next several strips, a milieu of extraneous chores, a plethora of October events (October is a big month in this family), and trying to cram all of that into a few short days before starting a brand new job and career (sadly, no, not as a writer or illustrator or graphic designer but at least it is for the state!)
Given that, let me present a concept idea for page 3 of a more illustrated version of my proposed 56 Shards book. It clearly illustrates the protagonist I selected.
While difficult to change an 8-years-strong comic into a middle grade novel, I am endeavoring to do just that and still retain all the meat and detail integrity… even if it can’t all be packed into a middle grade novel. My goal is to make this novel fit into the already-established world not necessarily as a what-if story but something that may have happened “off camera” before. That’s my goal. We’ll see how it goes. Keep ya posted!
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