“Mein Schnee” 28: Hanstel’s Journal, Pg.6
That is Gretel’s current representation of Zwei in the bottom right… and her representation of Snow White in the upper middle ;)
That is Gretel’s current representation of Zwei in the bottom right… and her representation of Snow White in the upper middle ;)
I always forget how hard Hansel is to follow. :)
When writing Hansel, I need thesaurus.com open each time. I hear him say things that _I_ have to look up!
Thanks for telling us what Gretel is drawing in this Journal entry as I never would have understood it if someone didn’t explain it to me.
Still, I have to agree with Hansel as this Dwarf is a creepy one.
I have to also ask you this: Does 7 dwarfs mean 7 deadly sins for our characters to overcome in this adventure ?
I ask this because of how quickly the gang is succumbing into temptation with each Dwarf they face off against.
DING DING DING!! You got it, Marcus! Each dwarf will represent a deadly sin and each actually relates to the evil stepmother in their story… as well as something else, heh. Eins was Sloth, Zwei is Lust/Extravagance