ch.2, pg.75: “That Burned Feeling” by Jade Griffin on May 7, 2012 at 12:00 am Chapter: Chapter 2: Into The Woods
Tsss… Hehee.
I like this page.
Velvy’s rather optimistic. I like that too.
Optimism is what Velvies do best! Sorry:) Watching Tigger.
wtf ur supposed to be at work!
FYI I always check the strip at my parents’ home after dropping the kids off when it is a post day. I love comments from our readers and can’t wait!
The wonderful thing about Velvies
(On which a chap justly depends)
Though worried concerning themselvies
They’ve always got time for their friends.
Aaaw, Toxic hug!
And again, Jack doesn’t think too hard about it. :P